Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Giveaway Winners

So I'm a little behind on my mailing out the latest giveaway gifts. I assure you they are packaged up and ready to go out with the mail tomorrow afternoon. My main issue in getting things mailed out is the timing in my work day. I can't seem to get out some days before the post office is closed. Which makes it really hard to mail things. I don't love UPS enough to pay too much to send things, but I may have to give in sooner or later.

We have one package on the way with a grey dress that is very cute and the other package on the way is the ANEW duo along with the MARK fragrance.

Sorry for the delay ladies, but you will see I have enclosed a surprise mystery item in your packages. I'm a bad secret keeper when it comes to gifts, so you'll have to wait till the mail comes before I give it away :)

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